Typeform vs Google Forms

January 10, 2022

Typeform vs Google Forms: which one to choose?

When it comes to creating online surveys, quizzes, and questionnaires, two names often come to mind: Typeform and Google Forms. Both offer a convenient way to gather data, but which one is better? In this blog post, we will compare the two products based on six criteria: features, pricing, ease of use, customization, integration, and data analysis.


Both Typeform and Google Forms offer a similar set of features. You can create surveys, quizzes, and questionnaires with a variety of question types, including multiple-choice, short answer, and more. Both also offer the ability to add images and videos to your forms.

However, Typeform offers a few extra features that Google Forms doesn't have, such as the ability to create conversational forms, which can increase user engagement. Additionally, Typeform offers more advanced question types, such as Likert scales and rating sliders, which can be useful for more complex surveys.

Winner: Typeform


Pricing is where the two products diverge. Google Forms is entirely free, while Typeform offers a free plan with limitations, and paid plans with increasing features and capabilities, starting at $35/month.

If budget is a concern, Google Forms is the obvious winner. However, if you need more advanced features, such as logic jumps and integrations, Typeform's paid plans might be worth considering.

Winner: Google Forms (if budget-driven), Typeform (if feature-driven)

Ease of use

Both Typeform and Google Forms are user-friendly and easy to use, but Typeform's interface looks slightly more modern and aesthetic. Creating a form is straightforward, with drag-and-drop functionality and intuitive design.

Google Forms is simpler, with a minimalist design and fewer features. If you're looking for something quick and easy, Google Forms might be the better choice.

Winner: Tie


Customization is where Typeform truly shines over Google Forms. Typeform offers many customization options; you can change fonts, colors, and add background images, among other options. Typeform's conversational forms are also highly customizable, which can enhance the user experience and boost engagement.

Google Forms is relatively limited in terms of customization, with only a few themes to choose from, but you can still change the colors and fonts.

Winner: Typeform


Both Typeform and Google Forms integrate with a range of other applications, but Typeform integrates with more tools, such as Zapier and Salesforce. Typeform's API also makes it easier to integrate with other software, such as CRMs.

Google Forms integrates with other Google applications, such as Google Sheets, but it isn't as versatile as Typeform in terms of third-party integrations.

Winner: Typeform

Data analysis

Typeform provides users with real-time analytics and reporting, allowing you to monitor responses as they come in. The platform’s visual dashboard presents results via graphs and tables, making it easy to analyze data.

Google Forms also provides basic analytics, including response rates and charts summarizing responses. However, if you need more advanced analytics, Google Forms integrates with Google Sheets, which provides more in-depth analysis.

Winner: Tie


In conclusion, both Typeform and Google Forms are solid products, but the choice depends on your specific needs. If you're on a tight budget and don't require advanced features, Google Forms is the way to go. In contrast, if you need more advanced features and customization options, Typeform is the best choice.


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